Online FOIA Request

If you would like to submit a FOIA request, please carefully read the information below. Illinois law requires public bodies to comply with or deny a FOIA request within five business days, unless the time for response is extended for an additional five business days, as allowed under the law. A request for records to be used for a commercial purpose requires a public body to responds within 21 days.

For accident reports, you can visit to instantly download the accident report. There is a fee for all accident reports.

Please complete the FOIA form below or you can mail, email, or hand-deliver directly to the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Records Depart at 650 West State Street M-F 8:00-17:00.

Please be specific in the nature of your request in order for the FOIA Officers to process your request efficiently. (Illinois law does not require you to submit on a FOIA request Form). *Electronic Record can be requested and will be provided electronically if allowed under the law and are within the email size limits.

Copy Fees:
  • First 50 pages are free (black & white, letter or legal)
  • 15 Cents per page thereafter (black & white, letter or legal)
  • Actual costs for copying color copies

Contact Information

Request Information

Provide as many specific details as possible so the public body can identify the information that you are seeking.

Submit Form