Update On Off-duty Shooting Incident Involving Deputy Frank Pobjecky

Winnebago County Sheriff's OfficeNews Media Release News  Release Number                2011-029
 Information: Update on Off-Duty Shooting Incident Involving Deputy Frank Pobjecky
 Date:  10/20/11 Time:  2:00 PM      Page 1   of  1

 Narrative:Sheriff Richard A. Meyers announces that earlier today an administrative review of the incident involving the shooting of four armed robbery suspects, (Michael Sago, Desmond Bellmon, Brandon Sago, and Lamar Coates, Jr.) by Deputy Frank Pobjecky on October 1, 2011, at 1513 Charles Street, (Marie’s Pizza) in Rockford was completed.  It is important to recognize that Deputy Pobjecky was injected into a situation created by four armed robbery suspects who were carrying out a violent forcible felony while armed with a weapon.  This was a real time, dynamic situation in which Deputy Pobjecky was in fear of his life and the lives of others in the business at the time of this robbery.  It is our opinion that there was no opportunity for Deputy Pobjecky to react differently or use any other alternative action based upon the actions of the four suspects.  This matter has been investigated by the Rockford Police Department, reviewed by the Winnebago County State’s Attorney’s Office, and the Winnebago County Grand Jury, and all of these processes have supported Deputy Pobjecky’s actions.   After reviewing the situation the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office believes that Deputy Pobjecky was in compliance with all department policies and procedures and he acted according to proper police training.  We wholeheartedly support Deputy Pobjecky’s commendable actions, and he will be reinstated to his normal working assignment.

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